Der Träumer

“ Ich will fliegen, den Wind jagen und den Himmel berühren.”

Der Sieger

“ Gebe nicht auf und versuche es immer weiter, weil du nie weißt, was passieren wird.“

Der Kaiser

“ Es gibt nur einen Unterschied zwischen einem Verrückten und mir. Der Wahnsinnige denkt, er ist gesund. Ich weiß, dass ich verrückt bin.”


Der Eroberer

“ Die vier Bestandteile der wahren Freundschaft sind: Vertrauen, Freundlichkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Fürsorge.”

Der Schatten

“ Wer glücklich ist, wird andere auch glücklich machen.”

Donnerstag, November 27, 2014

The Bear and The Travellers

Two friends were once passing through a jungle. One was carrying his gun with him. He went on boasting of his bravery and the courage with which he killed many tigers and leopards. All of a sudden they saw bear at some distance. The man with the gun ran to the nearest tree and

Good Out of Evil

A merchant was once returning home from a fair. He was carrying a lot of money in his purse. He was full of great joy because he had sold away all his merchandise. He was passing through a jungle on his horse.
It began to rain and he was drenched to

The Clever Farmer and The king

An old farmer was once planting mango trees his garden. A king and his courtiers happened to pass that way. ‘’Why are you planting these trees, when you know that you cannot live to eat their fruit? ’’.’’Your majesty’’,

The Best Artist

Once there lived three artists of great fame in a big city. There were competing for certain prize. One of them painted a wreath of flowers. It looked so real that a bee came and sat it. The other painted a basket of

The Tailor and the Elephant

Once upon time a rich man’s elephant went to the river every day to enjoy a bath. There was a tailor’s on the way. He stopped there one day, to have a look at it. The tailor is in his trunk. This went on for several days. But one day,

A Poor Excuse

One day a gentleman had to go to his office an hour earlier than usual. He told the same things to his servant, because he wanted to have his breakfast at seven o’ clock. But he got it late ten minutes. ‘’ why have you kept me

The Thirsty Crow

     Once there was a crow. He was feeling very thirsty. He flew about in search of water. He caught sight of a jug and flew down to it. But the water was too