Donnerstag, November 27, 2014

Good Out of Evil

A merchant was once returning home from a fair. He was carrying a lot of money in his purse. He was full of great joy because he had sold away all his merchandise. He was passing through a jungle on his horse.
It began to rain and he was drenched to
the skin. He began o tremble and become angry with God for putting him to trouble for nothing. But he had not gone far, when he met a robber with a pistol in hand. ‘’Your money or your life!’’ he thundered. The merchant paid no need to what he heard, he only spurred his horse, and it began to run faster than ever. The robber fired at him, but his pistol did not go off. It was because the water had made the powder damp. He thanked God for saving him from sure death. It was all due to the rain which annoyed him so much.

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